Souvenir de Samsoun. Bains de mer. Editeur; Jean Afthychiades.
[Souvenir of Samsun. Seabaths. Editor: Jean Eftychiades].
The Tsinekio High School (Τσινέκειο Γυμνάσιο) at Samsun was recognized by the University of Athens. The school also housed a girl's school. Photo taken during its construction in 1910. Source
Souvenir de Samsoun: Transport des tabacs des Baffra, Editeur: S. Tzigtemoglou, Samsoun.
[Souvenir of Samsun: Transport of Bafra tobacco]. Editor S. Tzhigtemoglou, Samsun.
Souvenir de Samsoun. Debarcadere des tabacs du Merkes. S. Tchigtemoglou.
[Souvenir of Samsun. Tobacco landing stage. S. Tchigtemoglou].
Souvenir de Samsoun. Debarcadere de Samsoun. Editeur: Alexandre J. Anthopoulos, Samsoun.
[Souvenir of Samsun. Pier of Samsoun. Editor: Alexandre J. Anthopoulos, Samsun[.
The Amisos Nursery (Νηπιαγωγείο της Αμισού) was located opposite the Tsinekio High School in the yard of the Holy Trinity Church. The Greek School and the Elementary school were also located there. Source
Souvenir de Samsoun: Les prisons, Le conak des autorités, Le top-hané. Editeur: Jean Eftychiades, Samsoun.
The Greek Girls School of Amisos (Samsun)
Τhe Catholic church Mater Dolorosa of Samsun
The Greek Orthodox church of Hagia Triada. To the left of the church was a boys' school and to the right a girls' school.
Greek Orthodox church of Hagia Triada (Αγία Τριάδα).
The Surp Nigoğayos Armenian church, Samsun. The church was destroyed in 1936.
French College of Samsun Football Team, S. Couer (Sacred Heart) Souvenir Photo, c1913.