List of the Greek villages of Γιωσγάτη - Yozgati (today Yozgat)
Γιοασγάτη - Yozgati
Καριπλέρ - Karipler
Κωτσόγλου (ή Πέλκαβακ) - Kotsoglou (or Pelkavak)
Ποϊμούλ - Poymoul
Πουαλάν - Poualan
Τσαλουχλού (ή Τερέκιοϊ) - Tsaloukhlou (or Terekioy)
This list of the Greek villages of Pontus (or villages where Greeks resided) was compiled by the Center of Asia Minor Studies (Κέντρο Μικρασιατικών Σπουδών) which is based in Greece. The list may exclude some villages which weren't known at the time the study was completed. Source: The History of Pontian Hellenism, Christos Samouilidis, Thessaloniki 1992.
Map below is just a guide and is hosted by an external source.