Giorgos Kougioumtzidis. Source
Giorgos Kougioumtzidis (Γιώργος Κουγιουμτζίδης) better known simply as Georgoulis (Γεωργούλης) was a very talented Pontic lyra player and singer from Greece (Κρύα Βρύση-Γιάννιτσα). His family origins were from Kars. He was nic-named 'Παππού' (grandfather) by his adoring fans and rose to prominence with his eclectic talent playing the Pontic lyra, a skill he passed on to his son Andreas Kougioumtzidis.
He released various albums and has played alongside all the greats in Pontic music. He passed away in August 2007 and is regarded as one of the last of the old time lyra players to have graced Pontic music.